Code 52 - a new coding project every week

Say Wat?

After a couple of weeks polishing existing projects nudging towards new releases, and @shiftkey getting up to some shenanigans at Codemania over the weekend, the gang are back and looking for more coding fun.

While we have some significant ideas we want to refine and plan in more details, we have decided to try out something different this week.

Doing some Readme Driven Development

This idea started out from a conversation over the weekend about how cryptic some Australian lingo can be. A word I'd thrown into a tweet had completely thrown the recipient and they had trouble understanding what I had said.

I started throwing around possible solutions to the problem - urban dictionary came to mind, for example - but the existing solutions didn't quite fit for the scenario.

After mulling over the solution and searching for a cool domain name over drinks, I decided to call it a night and start coding a solution. is that starting point.

Off the reservation

The Code52 guys had done a number of web projects so far this year, but these have been running on .NET. I wanted to push the envelope and try something different for this week.

Enter Node.

Yes, NodeJS is so hot right now, so its not like we're doing something very radical. But I know many people are curious about how to get started and how to build an app with Node.

So we're going to spend a week building a Node app and you can follow along (or even get involved)!

Get Involved

The project structure has started on GitHub and the Trello board has some initial tasks which are small enough to be started if people are curious. Got some ideas? There's people in the JabbR room to discuss ideas with.

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